Earlier this month, I wrote a blog entry that was, in part, my ideas on how a company could successfully use Twitter.
Yesterday, Twitter launched "Twitter 101 for Business". It includes some more basic information, such as how to get started on Twitter, Twitter lingo, and Twitter best practices.
It also includes some suggestions on how to use Twitter for business, including case studies of companies successfully using Twitter currently. So, did any of my suggestions for how businesses could use Twitter appear in the Twitter 101 guide? Yes!
A number of the ideas I suggested were among those listed in Twitter 101, including offering deals via Twitter, reaching out to customers and potential customers via Twitter, and monitoring talk about your brand via Twitter.
I think "Twitter 101 for Business" is a fantastic idea, and well executed. I suspect many companies know they could/should be using Twitter, but were intimidated by the concept or didn't know enough about Twitter to be able to formulate an idea of how to use it. This site lays out, in a straight-forward way, both how to use Twitter and ideas on how to make the best use of Twitter. The case studies offer good examples on how companies are currently using Twitter.
Twitter 101 may provide a spark for some companies to get on Twitter!
Saturday, July 25, 2009
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