Thursday, April 2, 2009

Hurry Down Sunshine - the book

I first heard about 'Hurry Down Sunshine' by Michael Greenberg during an interview on NPR. It is a memoir focused on the time period when the author's teenage daughter was first diagnosed with bipolar disorder.

Overall it was an interesting, quick read that made me more cognizant of the impact of mental illness (diagnosed or not) have on families and loved ones.

I would have been interested to see more about two of the topics the author touched on:
  • the initial diagnosis. The author's daugther seemed to have a sudden shift - one day she's a bit 'off', the next the police are called, and the next she's in a hospital. I wonder, given what they know now, whether the family could have recognized that something was wrong earlier, a little introspection. I know that this is a memoir and not a self-help book, but I'm sure that many readers are this book have chosen it because they know or suspect a loved one has a mental illness and would be interested in this.
  • the author's brother. The author's brother also has a mental illness and the author is his caretaker (in the loose sense of the word), taking him on weekly shopping trips to ensure he has food, etc. I found the brother a fascinating character (almost more so than the daughter). The author briefly wonders whether his daughter will be like his brother on 30 years and I would have liked him to expand on this topic - does he expect them to be similar? What does he think could affect whether his daughter leads a more 'normal' life than his brother?
All in all, an interesting, quick read.
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